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Use the high value of the solar charging chair to give the street a bright color!

Use the high value of the solar charging chair to give the street a bright color

The solar charging chair combines the excellent quality, process level, safety standards and usage feedback of traditional seats. The standardized "solar seat" is innovative from the design concept, advanced from the production process, and up to standard in safe use. It has become a new bright spot in the commercial street, adding new elements to the image of the commercial street.

1. Solar charging chair unique scene design to meet modern style

In recent years, with the introduction of scene design, the brand's positioning, service, products, and symbols of all emotions can be concentrated into the scene. The scene is no longer the same as a simple decoration, but contains more rich thoughts and emotions. From the overall design, to every corner, every piece of decoration, every point of contact with the user becomes a point where the brand can be delivered and consumed. Photovoltaic smart seats are available in a variety of styles depending on the local environment, street features, and people's lifestyle. On the basis of the traditional outdoor seats, many functions essential to daily life have been added. The products integrate lighting effects and 4G wireless wifi technology. While meeting the high-speed network operation, the lighting effects and the street as a whole complement each other. Give people a warm experience, in the rest, let everyone's body and mind have a sense of belonging.

Solar charging chair

2. Continue people's feelings and give people a comfortable experience

With the development of technology, mobile phones and some electronic devices have become an indispensable tool for people to travel, but the power problem has been plaguing many people, and it is their responsibility to solve people's needs. Rechargeable photovoltaic leisure seats are just the right people to face. The problem, the future trend of the electronics industry is to replace the cable with wireless. Our seats are equipped with two charging ports to meet all the needs of people at this stage, and strive to create a sustainable feeling story for the street.

3. Use solar charging chairs to expand street awareness and enhance the overall image of the city

Each street has a differentiated external communication slogan that echoes it. This seat can be broadcasted by Bluetooth voice technology, static advertisements can be displayed on the screen, and the nighttime lighting effects echo with the main body of the street, which will leave a deep impression on everyone's heart, thus expanding the influence of the street.
